. Rushcliffe Borough Council joins partners in commitment to better mental health -
Nottingham News, Notts Health & Care

Rushcliffe Borough Council joins partners in commitment to better mental health

Rushcliffe Borough Council has signed up to Public Health England’s (PHE) Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health to promote the wider health initiative. This will see the authority work closely with PHE to take significant steps towards the promotion of good mental health and the prevention of associated issues in Rushcliffe communities.

They are one of 74 organisations representing across all sectors that have now signed up to commit to action to make mental health a priority.
The Concordat will include drawing on the expertise of those who have experienced mental health problems and further identify solutions and promote equality for those who are seeking support. Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Deputy Leader Cllr Debbie Mason and Chief Executive Kath Marriott were delighted to today receive acknowledgement from the PHE of the partnership.

Cllr Mason said: “We are proud to have partnered with Public Health England and committed to taking action on the promotion of good mental health and the prevention of mental health problems. “Initiatives in Rushcliffe, such as Rushcliffe Roots, have already demonstrated our focus on positive mental health and this Concordat provides resources to assist us in our continued efforts across the Borough.” Lily Makurah, national lead for public mental health at PHE, said:

“The Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health exists to help communities prevent mental health problems and promote good mental health.

“Through local and national action across sectors we can all contribute to improving mental health and wellbeing, improve outcomes and reduce stigmas for everyone. “We’re delighted that Rushcliffe Borough Council have joined the growing list of signatories.”

The recently published NHS long term plan highlighted the need for a better balance between a system focused on detecting and treating illnesses, with one that also predicts and prevents poor health, including mental health. Signatories to the Concordat recognise the need to contribute to improve mental health and wellbeing and reduce stigma and facilitating local and national action.

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