. A new play area is coming to Rising Bridge thanks to a funding boost -
Lancashire News

A new play area is coming to Rising Bridge thanks to a funding boost

The project will involve new play equipment for children aged 0-16 including a zip-wire, new safety surfacing, drainage for the play area and a football pitch and a picnic area, to replace the old and worn play equipment. New pathways will be installed meaning that the Play Area will be accessible to all.

A funding partnership has raised £72,000 for the play area, with money coming from Lancashire Environment Fund, Rossendale Borough Council, Tesco, Awards for All, Rising Bridge Play Area Group, Newground, Local Government Pocket Parks Funding, Jacks, Winfields and Lancashire County Council Member Grants. Local people were asked how they thought the play area should be improved, and their ideas informed the plans that were submitted. The design is currently being finalised, and it is hoped that the contractor will be confirmed by the end of the year.

Works on the ground are set to begin in January, with the pay area opening in the spring. The project involves working alongside Rising Bridge Community Association and Proffit’s, Investing in Communities, and will provide the local children with an exciting new Play Facility. Adrian Lythgoe – Portfolio Holder for Operations and Development Control, said: This is great news and will be fantastic for the children and families in the area. It did need work as the old equipment isn’t in a great state so I am looking forward to seeing the finished plans and the work as it happens.”

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