. Bid for High Street Heritage Action Zone Funding -
Nottingham News

Bid for High Street Heritage Action Zone Funding

Ashfield District Council have submitted a bid to Historic England for High Street Heritage Action Zone Funding for the area around Albert Square and the lower part of the Old Market Place in Sutton. If successful the funding would transform Albert Square, focusing on the restoration of the historic shopfronts and creating a small plaza space for outdoor dining, events and cultural activities and creating a key gateway into the town.

The bid covers sections of three key streets within Sutton Conservation area: Low Street, Market Street and Brook Street. The funding would deliver a programme of activities and cultural engagement alongside the physical works which would provide grant funding for property owners to restore historic buildings and bring them back into use.

Cllr Helen-Ann Smith, Cabinet Member for Streets, Parks and Town Centres said “We are committed to improvements within our town centres and if this bid is successful it will allow us to transform this area within Sutton Conservation area.

“The recent investments from Wetherspoon’s and Angling Direct show that retailers see the potential in Sutton and this funding would allow us to enhance the town centre experience for residents even further.”

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