. A rare treat for art lovers -
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A rare treat for art lovers

A rare and exciting exhibition of paintings entitled ‘Father and Son’ by Kip and Richard Combes is currently on display at Bassetlaw Museum. Kip Combes (1924-2013) was a prominent figure on the local art scene and a president of the Worksop Society of Artists, while his son Richard is a highly respected New York-based artist who has exhibited internationally and has work in major private collections worldwide.

Donated by Richard, the exhibition has 17 paintings from both artists whose styles have been influenced by their surroundings and life experiences. During the early stages of World War II, Kip Combes was evacuated to Retford with his family and, apart from a period of living in Manchester, he remained in the town for the rest of his life.

Richard Combes, said: “Being originally from Norfolk Kip’s work is very much influenced by the Norwich School of Painters, and this can be seen in the atmospheric moody watercolours and oil renderings of his much loved local landscape.” Richard was brought up in Retford and worked as an architect in the UK before moving to New York City. There he earned Master’s degree in painting at the New York Academy of Art and his remarkable skills and mastery of techniques have earned him multiple awards and a full membership of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters.

Although many of Richard’s works are realistic representations of people and objects, they are not just skilful depictions of subjects. His art transports viewers into the middle of an intriguing, unfinished story and makes them wonder about how it continues. This exceptional artistry transforms everyday spaces and objects into extraordinary images that are both absorbing and haunting. Richard said: “I am definitely interested in perspective, light and architectural details and the relationship between single figures, still life and empty spaces. I would like to thank the museum on behalf of my father and myself for this opportunity to show our work together. I know he would have been greatly honoured, as I am myself.” The ‘Father and Son’ exhibition runs until Saturday 10th August at Bassetlaw Museum, Grove Street, Retford and is open Monday to Saturday 10am-4.30pm. Admission is free.

Father and Son. Paintings by Kip and Richard Combes
Saturday 18th May – Saturday 10th August

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