. January 2020 - Wilcop Media

Pendle businesses are being urged to save the date for this year’s biennial Pendle Business Awards which is back in July.

The prestigious event, now in its seventh year, is taking place at the Fence Gate, Pendle’s finest 18th century inn and hotel, on Thursday 16 July.

The awards recognise the exceptional achievements of Pendle’s businesses over the last two years and honour the people behind them.

Businesses can enter online at www.pendlebusinessawards.com from Monday 3 February.

Launching Pendle Business Awards 2020, Dennis Mendoros, OBE DL, Chairman of Pendle Vision Board which jointly organises the event with Pendle Council, said:

“I’m delighted that we’re able to continue to support our local businesses by putting a spotlight on them and celebrating their incredible achievements!

“There are 10 categories and this year there are two new ones which reflect our fast paced digital environment and how businesses are tackling their environmental impact.”

Categories dynamic

  1. Business Person of the Year
  2. Employer of the Year
  3. Business of the Year (Medium/large) 51 plus employees
  4. Business of the Year (Small) 11 – 50 employees
  5. Business of the Year (Micro) 1- 10 employees
  6. Rising Star (operating 0-2 years)
  7. Innovation Award
  8. Apprentice of the Year
  9. Pendle Social Responsibility Award
  10. Green Business Award

Councillor Mohammed Iqbal, Leader of Pendle Council, said: “This is a fantastic platform to put Pendle and its thriving economy in the spotlight.

“Many of our award winning and innovative businesses are recognised as some of the most enterprising in the UK.

“Whether you’re a one-man band with a local specialist trade; a growing small to medium-sized business or a large company with a worldwide reputation, don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate what you’ve achieved!”

Dean Langton, Pendle Council’s Chief Executive added: “Each year our events have continued to grow in stature and we’re delighted to be able to showcase the best of Pendle’s businesses again.

“Our awards ceremony in 2018 was a fantastic evening and we had some brilliant feedback from those who joined us.”

Frazer Durris, Managing Director of Businesswise Solutions, won Business Person of the Year in 2018.

He said: “I was so chuffed for the business to win Business Person of the Year in 2018.

“The amazing team that we’ve built has transformed the business and we have exciting growth plans.

“The award is testament to that and is a reflection of the contribution from everyone in the business.”

As well as entering one of 10 categories to win an Award, Pendle businesses can champion the area and support this celebration of commerce in the borough by sponsoring the event.

Event organisers Pennine Events Ltd have again been appointed to deliver Pendle Business Awards 2020.

Mark Sandamas, founder and managing director of Pennine Events, said:

“Following the success of the 2018 Awards, we are thrilled to be appointed as event organisers once again to deliver the 2020 celebration of commerce in the borough. The Awards showcase immense growth in the business talent pool every year, making Pendle successful as a borough and a community.

“Being a sponsor of Pendle Business Awards gives businesses the opportunity to showcase their own achievements and boost their profile through a range of bespoke and prestigious packages, whilst supporting their local community. 

“Get in touch and find out more about the sponsorship opportunities available, as all packages can be tailored to fit the business’ objectives, including fully supported digital media profiling.”

If you’re interested in any of the sponsorship packages, contact Nilma Solanki at Pennine Events Ltd on (01772) 447 979 or visit www.pendlebusinessawards.com

Burnley Council has pledged to make tackling dog fouling in the borough a top priority in 2020.

A cross-party working group, set up by the new council administration to investigate the issue and find ways of reducing the problem that residents consistently highlight as among their top priorities, has reported its recommendations back to the full council.

One of the working group’s first recommendations has already been adopted by the council.

From 1st January 2020 the fine for irresponsible dog owners caught failing to pick up after their pets will rise from £75 to £100. This brings Burnley into line with most other Lancashire authorities.

Other recommendations include setting up a telephone “hotline” for people to report dog fouling “hot spots” so that enforcement work can be more effectively targeted, increased enforcement patrols, more signage and information posters, and an education campaign in schools to inspire children to spread the “clean it up” message and encourage their parents to pick up after their dog.

Councillor Cosima Towneley, chairman of the working group, said: “We’ve decided to increase the fine for dog fouling to serve as an greater deterrent and to demonstrate the council’s determination to take a robust approach on an issue that is a key area of public concern.

“We recognise most dog owners are responsible and do the right thing. They make sure they have enough poop bags with them when they go out on walks to pick up after their pets and help keep our neighbourhoods clean and tidy.

“Unfortunately enough of us have trodden in dog dirt, trailed it into the house on the bottom of your shoes or the wheels of a pushchair, or just seen piles of the stuff lying around to know that there is a minority out there that simply don’t care about others and fail to clean up after their dogs.

“We’re determined to make catching more of those responsible for not cleaning it up a top priority for the new year.

“We’ll work with those residents that want to see this problem sorted out and catch and fine those that can’t be bothered to do the right thing and take responsibility for what their pet leaves behind while its out and about in our communities.

“You don’t want to see piles of dog poo lying around and neither do we.”

A leading Burnley councillor has urged residents across the borough to take more pride in their communities in 2020. Councillor Cosima Towneley said Burnley Council could only effectively tackle the problem of flytipping with the help and support of local people.

“The council does what it can to keep our communities clean and tidy but it’s fighting a never-ending battle to try and keep our streets free of flytipping and the only way we can win that battle is with the help of residents,” she said.

“Think how much money we could save if we didn’t need to have clean-up crews going out every day to sort out the mess left by a selfish minority who don’t care about what effect dumping their rubbish on someone else’s doorstep has.

“We are organising extra street clean-ups in certain areas but that hard work and investment is being abused by some people who think it means they can wash their hands of their responsibility to dispose of their rubbish properly. We can clean up a street only for rubbish to start appearing again within a matter of days.

“In most cases people don’t go far to dump their rubbish and residents in the area know who’s responsible for the flytipping. We want people to report the flytippers and give the council information so that we can catch those responsible and fine and prosecute them. We want to make the flytippers think twice before they dump any rubbish and realise there’s a good chance they will get caught and punished.

“We need people to take a pride in their communities and help us catch and fine those that dump their rubbish on our doorsteps and wash their hands of any responsibility.

“Dish the dirt on the flytippers and help us keep your communities clean and tidy.”

The council will clean up flytipping if it’s reported and officers try to gather evidence so that action can be taken against those responsible. For example, the council’s contractors recently cleaned up more than 20 bags of household rubbish dumped at the rear of Ormerod Road, Burnley. Officers traced the rubbish to an address close by and the householders were spoken to and now face further enforcement action.

Residents can give information on flytipping and those responsible online at www.burnley.gov.uk or by contacting the council’s streetscene unit by email streetscene@burnley.gov.uk or caling 01282 425011.