. June 2019 - Page 3 of 3 - Wilcop Media

Let’s face it: there is a huge amount of information online about how to shed the pounds and get in shape. Wading into this endless stream of advice can be both confusing and overwhelming. And, when you take into account the new fads that seemingly pop up every day, the situation only becomes more dire.

After all, who can keep up with all the raw food plans, prepackaged menus, and liquid cleanses that are constantly promoted in our social feeds?
The main problem with these very restrictive diets is that they only lead to short-term weight loss at best. That’s because most people cannot maintain them consistently and end up giving up after a couple of weeks. Losing 10 pounds a week on a fad diet may seem tempting, but it often results in unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss.

The real secret to healthy and successful weight loss is to adopt a lifestyle that you can maintain for the long run. This involves changing your diet, following a regular workout schedule, and taking the right supplements for your body’s needs. With that in mind, here are 5 other tips to help you achieve your weight and fitness goals:

Eat Better at Breakfast
While all meals are important, breakfast is the most crucial one of all. That’s because it helps you start your days on the right track. A hearty, healthy breakfast will fill you up and give you optimal satisfaction for longer periods of time. Your goal should be to eat between 400 to 500 calories at breakfast. Build a meal that includes lean proteins (nuts or eggs), fibers (fruits or vegetables), and whole grains.

Say Goodbye to Added Sugar
The main reason for most lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is added sugars – especially from sugary beverages and soft drinks. Processed foods in general contain a lot of added sugars and do not provide any of the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Instead, jump on Nutribullet bandwagon and replace sugary drinks with healthier, green smoothie options. For most people, the fastest way to lose excess weight is simply by cutting out foods that are high in added sugars from their diet. Keep in mind that many “organic” or “healthy” foods can also have very high sugar content, so reading labels should be a regular part of your shopping process.

Start Lifting Weights
While changing your diet can help you lose a lot of weight fast, nothing beats keeping your body fit with regular exercise. Your best option is to visit the gym at least three or four times a week, doing some warm up, and lifting some weights.

This form of exercise is ideal because it helps you burn off a lot of calories. It also keeps your metabolism from slowing down – a typical side effect of weight loss. You can also speed this process up with a fat burning supplement such as the range available at www.myelitehealth.co.uk.
If lifting weights isn’t your cup of tea, then look for workout plans such as the massively popular Joe Wicks workout to get you moving in the comfort of your own home.

Cook More
Did you know that research shows that cooking more meals at home can promote healthy eating and weight loss? Eating out is fun, but it should not be your daily go-to. Instead, save the restaurants for special occasions and start eating more home-cooked meals.

This is a great way of sticking to your healthy diet plan and keeping your weight in check.

For over a hundred years cricket has figured heavily in the village with past players including Charlie Harris who became a first class batsman for Notts in 1930s and 40s, his brother Ken who went on to Warwickshire. In the 60s Alan Gill from Underwood featured in the Nottinghamshire side, Cyril Poole played for Notts and in three Tests for England. Also Jim Astle whose brother Jeff who went on to play football for Notts County, West Brom and the national side. In a 1974 charity match our current Chairman, Stewart Chalkley, played against the England ladies including Rachael Heyoe and Enid Bakewell who has just been awarded the MBE in the Queens New year’s honours. Suzanne Redfern opened the bowling for our 2nd X1 in the early 1990s, she then went on to play for England Ladies. She competed in six Tests and fifteen ODIs between 1995 and 1999. Last year Sue became the first female cricketer to have played and officiated at a Cricket World Cup. She is now an international umpire and was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s 92nd birthday honours.

Some of our current players remember competing against the Root brothers when playing against Sheffield Collegiate Cricket Club in the Sunday league. When entering the village of Underwood the sign even features an image of the wickets. However, recent years have seen a decline in village cricket generally due to an ever-changing social climate and more people working shifts and weekends.

Here at Underwood we are dedicated to being a fun and friendly environment in which everyone has the opportunity to participate in or watch a game of cricket regardless of their skill level. We are striving to maintain the fantastic game of English village cricket.

Sadly, last season we lost our 2nd X1 due to a lack of players.
However, we have negotiated a ground share with Heanor Town Cricket Club who will play their home matches at Underwood. Thus, ensuring that cricket is still played every weekend within the village. Underwood currently has one Saturday X1 playing in the South Notts Cricket league and one Sunday X1 in the Mansfield and District Cricket League. Heanor has one Saturday X1 playing in the Derbyshire league.
Fixtures for both clubs will be posted on the gate and on our website www.umwcc.co.uk .

This year we will be running the succesful ALL STARS scheme again for 5 – 8 year olds beginning Sunday 2nd June! For further details follow us on Facebook or Twitter, log on to our website or www.ecb.co.uk/play/all-stars
You will always receive a warm welcome at Underwood, whether playing or spectating. Enjoy a cuppa, cool beer, or bring a family picnic and enjoy an afternoon watching England’s national game.
Come along and see for yourself!
Could YOU be part of our next 125 years?!

A historically vacant area in a Greater Manchester shopping centre that was transformed into a hub of culture over the weekend saw an increased footfall of more than 2,000 people.

The upper floor of The Galleries shopping centre in Wigan town centre was completely re-imagined as part of Wigan Council’s launch of #TheFireWithin – a new manifesto outlining the borough’s focus on arts and culture over the next five years. On Saturday 11th May, 11am-4pm, six vacant units in The Galleries were opened to the public once more and were completely transformed from shells to bright, vibrant and open rooms with interactive displays, performances and exhibitions. Footfall figures show an increase of more than 2,000 people in comparison to the previous Saturday.

Wigan Council hosted the event in partnership with cultural organisations and internationally renowned artists Al Holmes and Al Taylor, who also live in the borough.

The social event is in line with the local authority’s plans to revitalise the shopping centre, connect new audiences to culture, showcase talent and create exciting, diverse units for the town centre.
Chief executive of the council, Alison McKenzie-Folan said: “On behalf of the council I’d like to thank everybody who came to #TheFireWithin Festival at the weekend.

“We worked really closely with Al and Al plus a range of different cultural organisations to host a fresh, creative and ground-breaking event to inspire people to engage with arts and culture in our town. “It’s been a great success and we now look forward to the next five years where we will explore the five themes outlined in our borough-wide manifesto, which was created in partnership with local people.

“Culture is a driver in reducing social isolation and in improving health and wellbeing. Increasing cultural activity, seeking investment and putting resource into cultural activity is a key priority for us. “This work will help to position Wigan Borough as a culturally thriving district in the North West and will provide fantastic economic benefits as we know that culture plays a big part in regenerating areas. “We do have a significant cultural offer in Wigan Borough but now The Fire Within has officially launched, we have something much more inclusive that will inspire residents and visitors alike to choose our town over cities like Manchester and Liverpool.
“And it’s already happening. Artists and groups are heading to our borough because we’re ready to be bold and ambitious.”

The event saw a headline performance from local band, LYNCHS, and further performances from WigLe Dance, singer Zack Carpenter, poet Louise Fazackerley, Wigan’s 50-piece orchestra, soundscape artist Overload and many more.

There were also a range of works open for viewing from the council’s archived items to local artist creations. Some of the works included a taxidermy display, a simulated total eclipse and a world exclusive exhibition of Theodore Major’s paintings that were created in the final year of his life surrounded by coal slagheaps.

Residents and shoppers were excited to see a buzz in the shopping centre, describing the event as ‘fantastic’ and explaining how they are ‘happy to see the shops so full and empty spaces being used for something so different.’ A number of high-profile movers and shakers in the cultural world have also expressed their support for the event and the council’s plan for the future. Sacha Lord, night time economy advisor for Greater Manchester came to the event. Afterwards he tweeted: “The Fire Within is fantastic. Go and support it. You can spend hours there and it’s free! Extra bonus the car park was free on a Saturday (others take note). Huge congrats.”

Stuart Maconie, Wiganer, broadcast presenter and journalist also attended. He tweeted: “This by Al and Al is the most inspirational and exciting thing to do with my home town in decades, go and find out more at The Galleries, Wigan.” Darren Henley OBE, chief executive of Arts Council England took to The Fire Within’s brand new emoji stage at the beginning of the event and spoke to attendees.

He said “I love the sense of ambition the sense of possibility and opportunity. Looking at some of the plans for the town centre, I thought, this is going to be brilliant, and then coming in here [The Galleries] and hearing all of the stories and all of the things you’re planning is absolutely brilliant.” He concluded by saying:

“The Arts Council will support this borough. We want to invest in Wigan.”
Al and Al, who managed the event and all of the performances said: “This has been an intense, immense and amazing process. We’ve worked really closely with the council to host this event and although we have led on installations across the world, this has to be one of the best installation teams we have worked with. “The process of making this show happen has been a dream and we have worked with people who have gone above and beyond their usual day job to make this happen. Everybody is an artist, including the taskforce who have been involved in this work and the council employees who have built the staging and transformed the space.”
The cultural manifesto was created following extensive consultation with residents through The Deal 2030 survey where local people had their say on what they want to see in the borough’s future.

The survey outcomes were clear in that residents wanted to take part in more social and cultural activities locally and they wanted to celebrate the borough’s heritage.

Get Fired-up for BBQ Season with The School of Artisan Food

Burnt sausages, raw chicken and other BBQ horrors can be consigned to the dustbin of history as The School of Artisan Food shares the secrets of cooking with fire and smoke ahead of the summer season.

Based on the idyllic Welbeck Estate in the heart of Sherwood Forest, the school is running a series of one day courses throughout the summer designed for anybody who wants to avoid the common mistakes of alfresco dining and become a BBQ master.

Led by expert butcher Chris Moorby along with his son Tom Moorby, Fire & Smoke – BBQ Cooking is a hands-on course that reveals how to work with this most ancient of artisan cooking techniques and create a range of delicious dishes over charcoal.

Alongside practical demonstrations, they will share their years of BBQ experience and demonstrate how to make the most of cooking with the distinctive tastes of wood or smoke. They’ll also show how to make the perfect BBQ sauce from a mouth-watering combination of chilli flakes, white onion and garlic in a passata, red wine vinegar and tomato puree base – a recipe created by his son Tom Moorby (full recipe available upon request).

It’s a hands-on masterclass for both BBQ novices and seasoned campaigners in how to prepare and grill a selection of meats, fish and vegetables; as well as make delicious marinades, sauces and dry rubs and how best to use traditional smoking techniques.

After cooking a range of foods, including red meats, poultry, cheeses and even sweets, newly acquired BBQ skills are shared in a jointly cooked meal from the grill before going home for the ultimate test amongst family and friends.

The one day course is available on dates from June to October. For more information, visit www.schoolofartisanfood.org

Rushcliffe Borough Council has been accredited as ‘working towards dementia friendly’ by the Alzheimer’s Society in recognition of the authority’s work to support residents, their carers and families to live well with dementia.

The accreditation acknowledges the range of events, activities and campaigns the authority has delivered over the last 12 months to help improve the lifestyles of those living with the condition across the Borough and ensure they are able to live life to the fullest.

Alongside key partners Rushcliffe Clinical Commissioning Group and leisure contractors Lex Leisure, this has included Dementia Friendly swimming sessions, Dementia Friends chat sessions and the delivery of the Rushcliffe Memory Walk, which raised over £3,000 for the charity.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Executive Manager for Communities Dave Mitchell is keen to emphasise the authority’s ongoing commitment to supporting residents to live well with dementia.

He said: “Dementia represents a significant health and social care challenge both nationally and locally here in Rushcliffe, with an estimated one per cent of our residents diagnosed with the condition, increasing to five per cent for those aged 65 and over. “As a council, we want to ensure our services are dementia friendly so that we can continue to support our invaluable volunteers and key partners who help residents, their carers and families to live well with dementia.

“This work continues with our next event later this month in aid of Dementia Action Week, in partnership with the Nottinghamshire Dementia Action Alliance.” The free event, ‘Taking Action on Dementia’ takes place on Friday May 24 between 10am and 2pm at Rushcliffe Arena in West Bridgford. To find out more about the event and reserve your place, visit the event’s page here: https://bit.ly/2Z1Ct5v
Attendees are encouraged to use public transport wherever possible.

Blackpool’s Armed Forces Week is back with an uplifting programme of events and entertainment to honour the nation’s military personnel of the past, present and future. Armed Forces Week is Blackpool’s opportunity to say thank you to our heroes. Since 2006, we have been celebrating the event annually, and it now forms an integral part of VisitBlackpool’s events calendar.

From 24–30 June, Blackpool will come together to welcome serving military personnel, veterans and cadets, with a wide range of activities designed for them and their families, as well as the many thousands of people visiting the resort.

Here are some of the events!
Armed Forces Week Flag Raising Ceremony
24 June 2019 (10:00)
Blackpool Armed Forces Week officially begins with the raising of the Armed Forces Day Flag above the Town Hall. Free to attend so please come and join us.

Music for Heroes
24 June 2019 (18:00)
Blackpool says thank you to the Armed Forces with this musical extravaganza in Blackpool’s Grand Theatre. The theatre will host a night of free music, comedy and live performance with a full programme of entertainment. To get your free tickets now, book online or in person at the Blackpool Grand Theatre, or at the VisitBlackpool Tourist Information Centre on the Promenade. Please note a booking fee of £2 applies to all tickets.

Viva Vegas Variety Cabaret Showtime Afternoon
25 June 2019 (12:00)
Join us at Viva, Blackpool’s very own Vegas show venue for an afternoon of entertainment and variety followed by a quiz and bingo! Serving personnel and veterans get 25% off ticket prices – discounts apply so check for details. To claim the offer, quote AFW2019 when booking. To book, please call the Viva Box Office on 01253 297297 or call in!

Armed Forces Week Afternoon Tea Dance
26 June 2019 (10:00 – 17:00)
The Mighty Wurlitzer will play at an Armed Forces themed afternoon tea dance in the magnificent surroundings of Blackpool’s famous Tower Ballroom. Entry to the Blackpool Tower Ballroom is £9.95 and entry with Afternoon Tea is £17.00. Tickets are available from The Blackpool Tower Box Office and the event is open to all.

National Armed Forces Day
29 June 2019 (10:00 – 16:00)
Enjoy a full day of entertainment at Blackpool’s Stanley Park to celebrate Armed Forces Day. A number of vintage and modern day military vehicles will form a static display in the Italian Gardens, including the Lytham St Anne’s Spitfire Ground Display Team. A Royal Navy Wildcat Helicopter from 815 Naval Air Squadron will be in attendance, and you can cheer on local military cadet forces as they battle it out for the Armed Forces Week trophy in a series of challenges!

Come and see what other stands and displays are on offer including military associations, local military cadet units, decommissioned military items for all to view, with fun and games for all the family!

Armed Forces Day Military Concert
29 June 2019 (19:30)
Armed Forces Day is brought to a rousing finale with a full, live concert by the Band & Corps of Drums of The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (Lancashire) at the Norbreck Castle Hotel. Tickets are free, and are available from the Norbreck Castle Hotel and VisitBlackpool Tourist Information Centre.

Sunday Morning Service and Parade
30 June 2019 (From 10:30)
Blackpool comes together to honour and unite Britain’s Armed Forces past, present and future. Attending the service will be veteran’s associations, cadets, serving military as well as their friends, families and associates. Everyone is welcome to the service of appreciation that takes place within the grounds of Blackpool grade II listed War Memorial on Blackpool Promenade next to North Pier.

In addition to these events, the hugely popular “Going to the Flicks” event returns to the Odeon Cinema throughout the week, as local schoolchildren take part in the project to see a specially commissioned education film to show what happened in Blackpool during WWI and WWII. Current serving tri-service military personnel and veterans will bein attendance to participate in a Q&A.

On 27 June, Coral Island will play host, offering veterans and their families this generous invitation to dine out and enjoy a free carvery. Tickets are free but advance booking is essential. Proof of service required (MOD 90 or Veterans Badge, subject to availability). A £5.00 per person deposit is required and fully refundable upon arrival. Bookings are open from 10/06/2019 on 01253 922182.

On 28 June, the Service of Dedication at the Fylde Memorial Arboretum will take place to commemorate our Armed Forces and veterans while the evening sees what many veterans consider the highlight of the week, the Grand Gala Dinner at the Norbreck Castle Hotel. Following the formalities there will be a raffle and then entertainment from a top-class cabaret line-up and band. Tickets are £19.75 per person and to book, call 01253 352341.
The week ends with the annual Blackpool Taxi Pull on 30 June at the Blackpool Cenotaph on Blackpool Promenade near North Pier. The event sees local cabbies show off their strength to raise money for Armed Forces charities. Following this a barbeque will be held at the Guards Club for serving personnel and veterans of the Fylde Coast post service and parade. Admission to the Guards Club is free, with 50% discount on food for all uniformed regular service personnel.

Councillor Simon Blackburn, Leader of Blackpool Council, said: “Armed Forces Week is back for 2019 for another week-long of activities and events to celebrate our Armed Forces past, present and future.

“We invite visitors and residents alike to join in the celebrations for this annual event which gets bigger and better each year.”

The full programme for Armed Forces Week, and more details about individual events, news and tickets, go to www.visitblackpool.com/armedforces

A new business offering healthy meals, snacks and shakes to-go for those keen to shed some pounds ahead of the summer months. Health Hut North West, based on Market St in Wigan town centre, is preparing for its official opening on Saturday 4th May following support from Wigan Council’s invest in Wigan team. The healthy eatery is predominantly a take-out service but does have limited seating available.

Darren Maxfield and Ben Moore from Orrell and Pemberton respectively, have always had aspirations of running their own business and last year, they made their dream a reality.

After the duo contacted the council, they successfully applied for £2,000 from the authority’s Business Booster pot and were put in touch with the Business Growth Hub who also offered start-up business support. Speaking of this partnership working, Darren said: “Contacting the Invest in Wigan Team was one of the best decisions we made. The support we have had from them has been instrumental in getting us to the position where we are today. We cannot thank Wigan Council enough for believing in our idea and supporting us every step of the way.”

The launch will have live music, free food samples and guest appearances from the world of Super League. Darren added: “We are really looking forward to the opening and are very proud to open our business in our home town.

“We have always had an interest in health and nutrition. Our aim is to provide high quality food that is healthy and good value. We are committed to establishing ourselves as a business with a good reputation making the healthy option the easy option.” Health Hut NW is now one of almost 400 companies now signed up to Wigan Council’s Deal for Business, which is a relationship between the council and local businesses to work together to build a stronger borough.

In return for local business people working with the community and supporting council initiatives, the council can provide financial support, training guidance and help with the legalities of running a company.
Tricia Evans, economic development service manager at Wigan Council said: “It’s our job to inspire people to step out of their comfort zone and help them create a business that is relevant, sustainable and most importantly, successful.

“Developing skills in local people, inspiring young people from the borough to think about a range of careers and encouraging people to work and invest in Wigan Borough are key priorities for us. “We look forward to continuing to support Health Hut on their journey and strive to help even more people make their ambition a reality.”

This month’s aerial photo shows Nottingham Castle covered in scaffolding halfway through its £30m two year renovation. The project will see new galleries, a new visitor centre, remodelled grounds and improved access to caves in the hill beneath. The castle will reopen to the public in summer 2020. The photo was taken by Robin Macey who is a member of Nottingham & Derby Hot Air Balloon Club. The club is currently looking to expand. Members take turns being on the chase crew as well as flying in the basket. For further details about how to get involved phone 0115-8541028 or visit www.facebook.com/ndhabc.

£32,000 damage to local play park caused by fire
A fire has caused over £30,000 worth of damage to Arnot Hill Park play area and the council are asking for any witnesses to come forward.
The fire, which is believed to have been caused deliberately, has damaged the main tower slide in the children’s park and could cost £32,000 to repair.
The park is expected to be closed for at least a week whilst the slide is removed.

The incident has been reported to Nottinghamshire Police and CCTV in the park is being looked at by the council’s Public Protection team. The park was refurbished in June 2018 after it received £124,000 external funding thanks to a joint bid to WREN from the council and the Friends of Arnot Hill Park group. If anyone saw anything that could help find who did this, please contact Nottinghamshire Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Deputy Chief Executive, Mike Hill said;

“This is an appalling act of vandalism on a children’s play area. We are working with the police to catch whoever did this damage and are studying the park’s CCTV for any evidence. If anybody saw anything please contact the Police.”